IIS Real-Time Log Viewer
A completely Real-time IIS log viewer and web server monitor. Built as we had a requirement and a solution like this did not appear to exist.
Reports live activity from your Windows IIS to a remote client, including real-time web requests and error rates. Now you can finally know what is going on in real time!
Simple to install
Simple to use
Free for non-commercial use
Can be used on a per-site basis, or server-wide
Can log to local file (in real-time)
Can run over the internet, from your hosted server (you may need a port forward your side)
Is designed to be lightweight and efficient with minimal server impact (uses UDP)
Optionally geo-locate visitors using the Lite (and free) ip2location DB
And all without modifying your site code or adding tracking info that annoys your visitors…

The Windows remote GUI will show real-time requests. A scrolling chart of valid requests and the error rate is also shown. Monitoring the error rate quickly notifies you of issues. The error tab also includes a list of error details, including URLs and their requestors.
Purchase a license from the shop.
A license is required for all commercial use.
Support is only provided to licensed users.
Custom requirements may be accommodated (for licensed users) on request. Contact us to discuss.
Included in the package is
A server component (simple to install (mostly just drop files in site \bin folder)
A console receiver (raw log dump)
A GUI receiver (as shown above)
Installation and configuration
There is no installer needed for these apps.
The server components should be copied into your IIS website \bin folder.
You will need to register the component by adding the following to the appropriate section of your web.confg
<add name="RealTimeLogModule" type="IISRealTimeLogModule.RealTimeLogModule, IISRealTimeLogModule" />
You can check the module has loaded by going to your site properties in IIS manager and checking the ‘Modules’ and looking for the ‘RealeTimeLogModule’

You may also need to enable logging for your web site. (if logging is already enabled, you may already be good. Test with client and see)
The clients can be copied to any folder of your choice and run directly.
You will have several folders in your archive file

Guilistener is your client component. You can set the port to listen on in the GUIListener.exe.config file if needed.
IISRealtimeLogModule is your server component. Files from here go into your \bin folder. The default port and IP to stream data to can be set in the IISRealTimeLogModule.dll.config file. Simply enter your desired IP. The port may be left as is unless you wish to change it. You may need to open this port on your client firewall/PC.
If you have a license file, please be sure to copy it to each install location along with the files.
If you wish to use the geoLocation, you will need to register and download the LITE ‘IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB5.BIN’ database from ip2location, who kindly provide this free of charge. Commercial options with higher resolution are also avaialble.
Any questions? Is something not clear? Do you have a suggestion?
Feel free to contact us