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This idea was published on fellow traders feed. It is not my idea. I actually dabbled with this a while ago, so decided to finish up the code for an indie to have a play and see if I can find any use cases for it.

Let me know if you find a use for it!


Ninjatrader 8


This software is coffee ware. It is free to download and use, but, if you find it useful, please consider using the link in the app or the link on the right of this page to show the author you care and buy him a coffee. Just 1 coffee ( you can buy more if you want! ) – Or, consider it a beer! That’s not a lot for the time it saved you, is it? Without support, the author will neither maintain this product nor make new ones available publicly. Please be sure to check out some of my other Ninjatrader bits and pieces.  Remember, I’ve got to eat and keep the lights on too! Thanks for your support!


  • Raghu says:

    Thanks for the indicator

  • Raghu says:

    Can this indicator be converted to a plot on the price series itself like a moving avg, with rising volume with red and selling volume with green ?

  • Dean says:

    I get import errors. Is it missing something?

    • pjsmith says:

      Hi – Not had reports from others and I know it is in use. You are installing on NT8? Can you paste any error you get in your ‘Log’ tab – That should identify where the issue is. Might be able to offer some advice with that info.

      • Dean says:

        Error compiling import assembly: e:\Buzz\Documents\NinjaTrader 8\bin\Custom\PJSVolOsc.cs(42,21) : error CS0111: Type ‘NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.Indicators.Indicator’ already defines a member called ‘ZeroLagEMA’ with the same parameter types
        Error compiling import assembly: e:\Buzz\Documents\NinjaTrader 8\bin\Custom\PJSVolOsc.cs(80,32) : error CS0111: Type ‘NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.MarketAnalyzerColumns.MarketAnalyzerColumn’ already defines a member called ‘ZeroLagEMA’ with the same parameter types
        Error compiling import assembly: e:\Buzz\Documents\NinjaTrader 8\bin\Custom\PJSVolOsc.cs(92,32) : error CS0111: Type ‘NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.MarketAnalyzerColumns.MarketAnalyzerColumn’ already defines a member called ‘ZeroLagEMA’ with the same parameter types
        Error compiling import assembly: e:\Buzz\Documents\NinjaTrader 8\bin\Custom\PJSVolOsc.cs(58,21) : error CS0111: Type ‘NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.Indicators.Indicator’ already defines a member called ‘ZeroLagEMA’ with the same parameter types
        Error compiling import assembly: e:\Buzz\Documents\NinjaTrader 8\bin\Custom\PJSVolOsc.cs(34,24) : error CS0102: The type ‘NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.Indicators.Indicator’ already contains a definition for ‘cacheZeroLagEMA’

        • pjsmith says:

          Ah, OK – You already have a ‘ZeroLagEMA’ indicator on your machine and there is one bundled in this indie, so NT sees a conflict. You can remove the one you have, then you should be able to install this. I think you’ll either still have it after, or can then re-install it, if you use it.

          • Dean says:

            Thanks. Took a few to ID & remove the add in that it was part of. Good now.

  • Ari says:

    New to trading and Forex is killing me. Trying to move to Stocks. Thank you for helping us little guys out who dont have money for fancy indicators. These are really cool and you are very generous. Btw, really nice boat.

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