Below are daily log entries from my travel adventures.
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pjsIndies - advanced Ninjatrader strategy usage via pjsAPI and sample strategy Some of you will know or have noticed the following optional settings in many of the pjsXXX indies. What…
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Sorry folks. One of the monkeys here made a mistake, and as a result, some of the more recent key registrations have been lost. I have them all in emails,…

Discord RoomOK, for some time, I've wanted a place to share some ideas and usage scenarios, answer some questions, and basically collaborate with my fellow traders. I know there are…
Sorry if you were trying to download any of the indicators etc last few weeks. Technical difficulties!
OK - When I finally get to start travelling, which should be from now into the new year, I want to do some decent hikes into the wilderness whilst away.…
Merry Christmas folks. Taken on a recent trip to London. Really nice place to see all the displays on a scale I just don't get…
I spent some time in Herm a couple weeks ago with friends and actually got to meet Prince Charles (as well as consume some beer). Quite a change from the…
OK, weve been using a bit more power here recently, so I just 'invested' in 1kw of solar panels. More on the setup soon.