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Ninjatrader 8.1 (Do not upgrade! at least, not yet)

By March 7, 2023Ninjatrader, Tech, Trading

A very quick post. Ninjatrader released version 8.1 over the weekend and it’s been kind of a disaster for a lot of people. They have made a bunch of significant changes, without informing anyone that might be affected, it seems. One of those changes appears to be to have been to remove the machine ID and this goes along with their new login and licensing system (they have removed license keys altogether!). No advance notice of this, whatsoever. This will obviously break many vendors licensing, including mine. I have not tested my code against this version yet. I have not updated it. Many others are reporting issues compiling prior working code, so I expect there may be some issues that need to be resolved. As for all the things they changed, no one seems to really know. The previously detailed release notes comprised simply of a note, saying ‘Various changes and bug fixes’, at release!

This release was clearly very (and I really do mean, very, very) poorly managed and I think NijaTrader as a company should be fairly ashamed of behaving this way.

I will post an update once my code has been tested against the new versions. It will be a while, as there seem to be so many issues with the new version at the moment that they have already been forced to issue hotfixes (and, without changing version numbers it seems!). Oh dear…


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