A new release of pjsProfileBars for NinjaTrader 8 has been made available. You can upgrade by downloading the latest version from the pjsProfileBars page and importing it to your Ninjatrader.…
A new release of pjsProfileBars for NinjaTrader 8 has been made available. You can upgrade by downloading the latest version from the pjsProfileBars page and importing it to your Ninjatrader.…
For users who have license keys that are activation tied to your Ninjatrader install, you can now manage these activations and license states via the license manager here. Please note…
A new release of pjsHeikenAshi for NinjaTrader 8 has been made available. You can upgrade by downloading the latest version from the pjsHeikenAshi page and importing it to your Ninjatrader.…
pjsIndies - advanced Ninjatrader strategy usage via pjsAPI and sample strategy Some of you will know or have noticed the following optional settings in many of the pjsXXX indies. What…
A new release of pjsHeikenAshi for NinjaTrader 8 has been made available. You can upgrade by downloading the latest version from the pjsHeikenAshi page and importing it to your Ninjatrader.…
A new release of pjsProfileBars for NinjaTrader 8 has been made available. You can upgrade by downloading the latest version from the pjsProfileBars page and importing it to your Ninjatrader.…
So, you might have ended here because you got this error message. Unable to retrieve type info for 'NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.AddOnBase' from assembly .. You've installed an indicator, or been trying to…
A new release of pjsProfileBars for NinjaTrader 8 has been made available. You can upgrade by downloading the latest version from the pjsProfileBars and importing it to your Ninjatrader. To…
A new release of pjsProfileBars for NinjaTrader 8 has been made available. You can upgrade by downloading the latest version from the pjsProfileBars and importing it to your Ninjatrader. To…